Using Drones

Developing technology for drones for scaling up from research stations
The main objective of WP 8 is to increase awareness of drone technology and sensors among researchers and research station managers while making industry aware of innovative potential uses requiring drone and sensor development.
The specific aims are to:
- Increase knowledge on drone technology and current legislation for use of drones among station managers,
- identify UAV-sensors specifically for arcticDefinitions of the Arctic vary according to environmental, geographical, political, cultural and scientific perspectives. Some scientists define the Arctic as areas having a high latitude, long winters, short, cool summers,... More research or currently underrepresented in the ArcticDefinitions of the Arctic vary according to environmental, geographical, political, cultural and scientific perspectives. Some scientists define the Arctic as areas having a high latitude, long winters, short, cool summers,... More and
- produce a best practice scheme for use of drones at arcticDefinitions of the Arctic vary according to environmental, geographical, political, cultural and scientific perspectives. Some scientists define the Arctic as areas having a high latitude, long winters, short, cool summers,... More research stations.
Ultimately, it is the aim that this cooperation between representatives from science and relevant manufacturers of instruments should lead to new technology set in production.
Pocket Guide for Drones 2018
D8.1 Drone Workshop Report
D8.2 Drone Legislation report
D8.3 Report requirement specifications for drones in arctic environments, including drone types, drone projects and sensor technology
D8.4 Report on recommendations for new sensor development
D8.5 Guidelines for drone usage in arctic environment
D8.6 TA Drone Workshop Report
Pocket Guide for Drones