Adapting to environmental change


The overall aim of this WP is to produce an inspirational guide book for research station managers and local communities to develop a deeper mutual understanding of how to work together to build integrated local observation systems enabling local communities to respond to the challenges of present and predicted environmental change. The guide book will include a general section on key steps in the process for developing a dialogue between local communities, researchers and station managers, identifying perceptions of what is driving the need for adaptation, what information is needed to adapt, and how to develop an integrated local monitoring strategy. This general section will be followed by thematic case studies from contrasting communities presented in a standardised format.

  • M9.1 – Case study 1: Adapting reindeer husbandry to vegetation change and snow cover changes


  • D9.1 INTERACT Guide for Local Adaptation to Environmental Change


  • Summary Report on the SecNet workshop


  • Resolution Salekhard


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