Alaska is the 49th and largest U.S. state with an area of 1,718,000 km². It is a sparsely populated state with around 731,000 inhabitants (0.4/km2), situated on the northwest extremity of the country’s West Coast. Northern Alaska largely consists of tundra covering mountain ranges, permafrost and coastal plains. The climate is sub-arctic.

The following information aims at providing an overview of the most common permit types relevant for scientists travelling to and working in Alaska. National rules and regulations are given for the following categories:

  • Cross border travel (persons, equipment, samples, chemicals),
  • Access to specific areas,
  • Permits to conduct fieldwork and collect samples,
  • Field instrumentation,
  • Safety equipment and
  • Regional/local permits.

Additional information sources relevant for conducting science in Alaska are also listed.

Disclaimer: INTERACT takes no legal responsibility for the information presented here. These pages only address the most common permit types. Certain studies may require specialist permits not covered here. New regulations may also come into force, permit conditions may change and links may become outdated or no longer work. If you encounter broken links, significant permit updates or have suggestions for additional permit types we can include, please contact us at

        • Depending on your country of citizenship, you may need a visa to enter the United States of America.  More information about entry into the USA, and the different types of visas required can be found here:

          ESTA – Visa Waiver Programme

          Some countries participate in the Visa Waiver Program. If you are a citizen of one of those countries, you will not need a visa but only to apply for the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), which lasts for two years. ESTA allows stays in the USA of 90 days or less. When applying for ESTA for the purpose of scientific research, it is important to indicate that your purpose is business, and not tourism.

          ESTA application information, and list of countries that participate in the Visa Waiver Program can be found here:

          Further information about ESTA can be found in the FAQs.

          Countries not part of the ESTA Visa Waiver programme

          If your country does not participate in the Visa Waiver Program, you (as a scientist) will need to obtain a B-1 visa for short-term business. Do not apply for a tourist visa, as that will make it difficult or impossible to have your travel expenses reimbursed by a U.S. field station (e.g. if you are travelling on an INTERACT Transnational Access grant).

          Long stays (>90 days)

          If you are planning to study or work at a university in the USA for more than 90 days (for example for a sabbatical or exchange program), you will need to apply for a J-1 visa, which requires sponsorship by an educational institution in the USA. Other forms of employment visas and immigration require a different process. Note that all visa applications (and ESTA application) may require payment of a fee to process the applications.

          Regardless of the visa type required, access through customs will require researchers to have obtained a letter of invitation from the hosting field station.

        • Import: Due to the risk of introducing pathogenic organisms, the import of soil into USA is strictly regulated by the US Department of Agriculture and always requires a permit:

          Export: Export of soils from the USA does not require a permit, but may require an import permit from your country of destination. This should be obtained ahead of time, as a copy of the permit will be needed for shipping.

        • In general, it is recommended to use a shipping/transport agency, in order to assure compliance with complex regulations. Research stations and institutions may provide access to some types of chemicals that can be used by visiting scientists.

        • There are strict regulations in USA concerning transport and disposal of chemicals and radioactive isotopes. These must be followed, even if the chemicals are imported. In addition, there may be customs considerations for imported chemicals.

          All chemicals imported into the USA must comply with the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).  More information can be found here:

          Use and transport of radioactive isotopes are regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

        • You may need one or more research permits for conducting scientific research in Alaska. Whether you need to obtain permits depends on the area you want to go to and the type of research you conduct.

          There is no central coordination of research applications in the USA, so scientists need to identify all relevant permits themselves and obtain these from relevant authorities (can be both national and regional agencies).

          Note that it may take up to six months to process an application.

        • It is recommended to begin the permitting process six months prior to research activities.
          A good overview on permits and policies can be found on the website of Toolik Field Station

          Genetic resources

          The USA is not yet a signatory to the Nagoya Protocol of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and there are no national permits required for collection of genetic samples. However, your country of destination may have rules about the import of genetic samples.

          Land use permits

          In Alaska, land-use permits for research are handled by agencies that own or have jurisdiction over the land. These land-use permits also cover research instrumentation installed at your research site.

          Maps showing ‘Administrative land status’ (ownership/jurisdiction) of the State of Alaska, the area around Toolik Field Station, and the area around Utqiagvik.

          Research involving animals

          Depending on the intended use of fish or wildlife, researchers and educators may need one or more aquatic resource permit(s) (for fish, amphibians or aquatic plants) or an educational, wildlife possession, or scientific collection permit (for mammals, birds, or reptiles) from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. More information and application forms can be found here:

          Any research involving handling of animals (e.g. trapping, surgery, etc.) requires an approved protocol from a University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, which is usually obtained by the researcher’s home institution.

          Mammals, Birds and reptiles

          Researchers who wish to capture, collect, or repeatedly disturb wild mammals, birds, or reptiles for scientific purposes need a scientific permit. More information can be found on the website of Alaska Department of Fish and Game

          Aquatic resources

          All waters in Alaska are regulated by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Research that involves fish, or waters containing fish, may require a fish habitat permit. Find information here:

          Find an overview of fish, amphibian and aquatic plants permits here:



        • The regulatory environment for drone use is complex and challenging. If you work out of a research station, it is recommended to contact the station manager well in advance to check if they can meet your needs (e.g. with licensed operators who can collect imagery for you).

        • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulates the use of drones in the USA. Use of a drone for research falls under commercial regulations. Part 107 Commercial Use requires international users to obtain a Remote Pilot’s Certificate (RPC) or be supervised by a person with a current RPC under the stipulation that the person holding the RPC must be able to take immediate control of the drone in case of emergency. To obtain an RPC, international users must pass an in-person aeronautical knowledge test administered at a designated testing center in USA.

          Note that the FAA currently does not recognize any foreign drone licensure.

        • If the drone is registered in a foreign country, you must submit an application for a Part 375 foreign aircraft permit at least 15 days in advance of the flight:

          If the home country does not require drone registration, you must contact the Department of Transportation Air Carrier Licensing Division for help completing the foreign aircraft permit application.

          Register the drone using the FAA’s DroneZone website . This is different from the above foreign aircraft permit, and both must be done. After registering with the FAA, you are required to mark your drone with the registration number.

        • If you wish to bring a firearm and/or ammunition into the US, you will need a permit from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

          The application/permit form for the temporary import of firearms and ammunition by non-immigrant aliens can be found here:

          Note that the processing time to receive approval varies, but applicants should ideally apply three months prior to travel to allow sufficient time.

          The permit remains valid for one year, and allows an unlimited number of cross-border trips. The application form must include serial numbers of all firearms and any ammunition you will bring into the country. You will undergo an ATF background check, after which your form will be returned to you indicating approval or not.

          When you arrive at the border, you must declare your firearm, provide the required documents, and answer all questions truthfully. The border services officer must be satisfied that you have a valid reason for importing the firearm, and may check to ensure that you have stored your firearm properly for transportation. They will review your paperwork and may verify that the firearm you have with you matches the one described in the documents.

          If you work out of a research station, you should also check field station specific requirements for using a firearm (e.g. safety training, storage plan).

        • If you work out of a research station it is highly recommended to ask for guidance from the station manager. Information about station specific permits and policies can often be found on their respective websites. Contact information for all INTERACT stations .

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