Sustainable development has been defined in many ways, but the most frequently quoted definition is from a report called Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland Report: “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”. To understand sustainable development it is important to view the world as a highly connected system, in which an activity in one place can affect another place.

  • > ASM3 Webinar series – new date 15th April


    Registration is open for the next webinar in the 3rd ArcticDefinitions of the Arctic vary according to environmental, geographical, political, cultural and scientific perspectives. Some

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  • > Station specific tourist guideline template and deliverable report available now


    Work package 9, The ArcticDefinitions of the Arctic vary according to environmental, geographical, political, cultural and scientific perspectives. Some scientists define the Arctic as areas

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  • > European Commission and EEAS unveil new EU Arctic policy


    The new EU ArcticDefinitions of the Arctic vary according to environmental, geographical, political, cultural and scientific perspectives. Some scientists define the Arctic as areas having

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  • > ISAR call for abstracts


    The Seventh International Symposium on ArcticDefinitions of the Arctic vary according to environmental, geographical, political, cultural and scientific perspectives. Some scientists define the Arctic as

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  • > Call for Sessions at International Arctic Change Conference 2017, Quebec City, Canada


    The ArcticDefinitions of the Arctic vary according to environmental, geographical, political, cultural and scientific perspectives. Some scientists define the Arctic as areas having a high

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  • > Consultation on EU Arctic Policy


    The European Commission and the European External Action Service (EEAS) have launched a joint public consultation on the European Union’s ArcticDefinitions of the Arctic vary according to environmental,

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