Come to meet INTERACT during the POLAR2018 in Davos, Switzerland, on Wed 20th June at 12:30-14:00, Room A Wisshorn! Hear about the INTERACT Stations and their facilities, meet our fantastic TA Users and learn about their research, and find out how to utilize the different modalities of Transnational Access in your research!

The meeting is open to all POLAR2018 and Open Science Congress participants. Welcome!


12:30-12:35 Welcome and introduction to INTERACT Transnational, Remote and Virtual Access –Hannele Savela, University of Oulu/INTERACT, Finland

12:35-12:50 Station highlight 1: Ny Ålesund reseach stations offering TA, RA and VA in INTERACT –Christina Pedersen, Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway

12:50-13:00 Station highlight 2: TA related research possibilities at the Polish Polar Station Hornsund –Piotr Glowacki & W?odzimierz Sielski, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

13:00-13:10 VA highlight: Greenland Ecologic Monitoring (GEM) database and related possibilities for Virtual Access to data from research stations –Elmer Topp-Jorgensen, Aarhus University, Denmark (TBC)

13:10-13:20 TA User highlight 1: Access to Greenland, Norway and Canada to study shrub-tundra response in the Arctic climate and environmental shift (S-TRACES) – Ji?í Lehej?ek, Tomas Bata University, Czech Republic

13:20-13:30 TA User highlight 2: BIOENGLA – The microbiome of englacial habitats studied at Tarfala Research Station in Sweden –Alexandre Anesio, University of Bristol, UK

13:30-13:40 TA User highlight 3: TA User group adventure of field work and research to Greenland Institute of Natural Resources within the project COMICS-G  –Laura Zucconi & Fabiana Canini, University of Tuscia, Italy

13:40-13:50 TA User highlight 4: Biodiversity and Ecology of the Arctic Intertidal and their Changes Over Timeas with TA to GINR and Arctic Station (BeaCh) –Catherine L. Waller, University of Hull & Hew Griffits, British Antarctic Survey, UK

13:50-14:00 Discussion & Closing of the meeting



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