Traces of chemicals from all over the world have found their way to the Arctic in different ways. The loss of sea and land ice due to global warming has made the Arctic more accessible for human activities, leading to an even higher presence of contaminants. Work Package 8 in INTERACT III has produced a deliverable report on Protocols for (target and nontarget) screening of contaminants of emerging concern at INTERACT stations, available below.This deliverable builds on earlier work to examine options for practical work that could be implemented at INTERACT stations to support environmental contaminants monitoring and research. All deliverable reports can be found under “Deliverables” here on the website.

  • D8.1 Catalogue listing local and transboundary emerging pollutants


  • D8.2 Protocols for (target and nontarget) screening of contaminants of emerging concern at INTERACT stations


  • D8.3 Compilation of results from Testing of protocols with Managers at selected INTERACT stations


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