The ‘whiteness’ of a surface. The higher the albedo, the more the surface reflects light. Snow and ice have high albedos; a dark rock would have a lower albedo. Vegetation and water also have low albedos. Most of Sun’s radiation is in the shortwave (visible) spectrum. The Earth as a whole reflects about 30% of this radiation back into space (and absorbs the rest, which helps warm the planet). Much of the Earth’s albedo is due to clouds, but land surfaces with high albedos, like ice sheets and snow fields, also contribute. Albedo is important in climate change since solar radiation (from the Sun) absorbed by the Earth affects global temperature and drives the global climate system.

  • > TA Ambassadors

    INTERACT TA Ambassadors are scientists who have conducted research at INTERACT stations with the support from Transnational Access. TA Ambassadors share knowledge –based on their

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