Arctic Alaska Vegetation Summer Field Course at INTERACT partner University of Alaska Fairbanks 14-30 June 2018.

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The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) invites registration for a 17-day field course in Arctic Alaska Vegetation. This three-credit course, open to undergraduate and graduate students studying Arctic biology and ecology, will be held 14-30 June 2018, beginning in Fairbanks, Alaska. This class includes two days of classroom instruction and local field trips in the Fairbanks, Alaska area before a 13-day field excursion to Alaska’s North Slope. The course will conclude with two days of student presentations and local field trips in Fairbanks. The field excursion will have a strong emphasis on Arctic environments, local people, and field sampling. Students will learn about Arctic vegetation, soils, landforms, permafrost, geology, wildlife, and land-use.

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