Invitation To Apply for a Full Stipend to Join The Science Team Retracing the footsteps of A. E. Nordenskiöld’s Polar Expedition 1872–1873.

A team of 7-8 adventureres, sientists and filmmakers will recreate history by following Nordenskiöld’s original route as closely as possible. The Expedition will start sometime in late May – August 2022 (depending on ice conditions). The main goal of this expedition is to tell the story of the warming polar regions through the lens of adventure. Due to the warming of the polar regions, it is uncertain if the original route taken by Nordenskiöld can be recreated on the 150-year jubilee. In the last five years, the route has been possible only for a short time (estimated at around 10% of the time in late winter), compared with close to the entire late winter just 20 years ago. This forms part of the
storytelling of the warming of the polar region.

Science Team

Climatologist – Vacant
Glaciologist – Vacant
Biologist – Vacant
Archaeologist – Vacant
Other disciplines can be considered.

Find out more by downloading the pdf below “Resources”

  • The Swedish Jubilee Expedition 2022 - Invitation_v4


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