A position as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Earth System/Land Surface Modelling is available at the Department of Geosciences at the University of Oslo, Norway. The fellowship is part of the project “A green-blue link made browner: how terrestrial climate changeAccording to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, climate change is change in the climate of the whole Earth or a region of the Earth that is believed... More affects marine ecologyThe study of living organisms in their environment, including where they are found and how they interact with their physical environment and with each other, for example through food webs.... More (GreenBlue)” funded by the Research Council of Norway and coordinated by the University of Bergen. The successful candidate will work in the Centre for Boiogeochemistry of the Anthropocene (CBA). Also she/he will work in the LATICE (“Land-ATmosphere Interactions in Cold Environments”) research group with scientists with expertise within various disciplines related to observing, analyzing and parameterization of the land surface. For more information, see the LATICE web site. The original advertisement can be found here.