The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is organising an International Polar Week. A series of events will be organised all over the world, online and offline, in the week of March 17-23 to share and increase our knowledge of the polar regions.

APECS will be promoting polar films, sharing short research profiles of APECS members, launching a photo/art contest and testing your knowledge with the #PolarFail and #ArcticORAntarctic social media games. Keep an eye out on Twitter, Facebook, and of course the APECS website. Don’t forget to contribute wherever you can. Your National Committee might be organising some local events too!

If you are organizing your own Polar Week activity, please submit details via the Polar Week webpage. We would love to know what you are doing!

More information about events and how to participate can be found on APECS’s Polar Week webpage.

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