Northern (Arctic) Federal University invites researchers, PhD-students, and students to take part in the marine research and education expedition in the Arctic.

Application deadline: January 15, 2020

Arctic Floating University is an annual scientific and education marine expedition, which brings together young people and experienced researchers in order to study the Arctic. For scientists it is an opportunity to conduct research in the high-latitude Arctic. For students it’s a unique educational programme containing a multidisciplinary course of lectures and practical training together with experienced researchers.

Expedition Dates: July 17 – August 3, 2020

Expedition Route: Arkhangelsk – Cape Zhelaniya (Novaya Zemlya) – Graham Bell Island (Franz Josef Land – FJL) – Heiss Island (FJL) – Hooker Island (FJL) – Northbrook (FJL) – Arkhangelsk (as agreed with organizers, corrections can be made upon request of participants before expedition)

Expedition participants: 57 people (students, post-graduate students, researchers from both Russian and international scientific and academic institutions).

How to apply: Online application form is available at

Results will be announced in February 2020.

Find out more at Northern (Arctic) Federal University

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