INTERACT WP 8, Cleaner Arctic, cleaner world: documenting and reducing pollution, has submitted a news deliverable: D8.4 – Plan for development of screening monitoring networks and enhancing application of screening monitoring, to be downloaded below.

Over the past three decades, the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) has documented the presence and impact of chemical contaminants in the Arctic, helping shape policies aimed at reducing pollution. The 2017 AMAP assessment highlighted Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern (CEACs), which include new, often unstudied chemicals that are difficult to analyze. Some are transported long distances to the Arctic, while others come from local sources like consumer products and industrial activity. Climate change is further complicating the issue by altering contaminant pathways and potentially releasing previously trapped pollutants. Human activities and resource exploration in the Arctic are also on the rise, increasing chemical usage. INTERACT WP8 has identified chemicals for coordinated research and monitoring efforts, deploying passive samplers across nine research stations. The final report recommends steps to support ongoing monitoring and inform agencies about potential threats from these pollutants.

  • D8.4 Plan for development of screening monitoring networks and enhancing application of screening monitoring


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