Welcome to INTERACT – International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic

INTERACT is an infrastructure project under the auspices of SCANNET, an arctic network of 74 terrestrial field bases (with an additional 21 research stations in Russia on pause) in northern Europe, US, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Scotland as well as stations in northern alpine areas. INTERACT specifically seeks to build capacity for research and monitoring all over the Arctic, and is offering access to numerous research stations through the Transnational Access Program.

The project, which is funded by the EU, has a main objective to build capacity for identifying, understanding, predicting and responding to diverse environmental changes throughout the wide environmental and land-use envelopes of the Arctic. This is necessary because the Arctic is so vast and so sparsely populated that environmental observing capacity is limited compared to most other latitudes.

INTERACT is multidisciplinary: together, the stations in INTERACT host thousands of scientists from around the world who work on projects within the fields of glaciology, permafrost, climate, ecology, biodiversity and biogeochemical cycling. The INTERACT stations also host and facilitate many international single-discipline networks and aid training by hosting summer schools.

Access to the Arctic, and northern alpine and forest areas

INTERACT station managers and researchers have established partnerships that are developing more efficient networks of sensors to measure changing environmental conditions and the partnerships are also making data storage and accessibility more efficient through a single portal. New communities of researchers are being offered access to terrestrial infrastructures while local stakeholders as well as major international organisations are involved in interactions with the infrastructures.

The trans-national access component is crucial to building capacity for research in the European Arctic and beyond. INTERACT is offering transnational access to 43 research stations located in the Arctic, and northern alpine and forest areas in the Europe, Russia and North-America. It is providing opportunities to researchers to work in the field in often harsh and remote locations that are generally difficult to access. In return, the input of new researchers has led to cross fertilisation, comparative measurements at different locations and new research directions at the individual infrastructures.

Join the network

If you wish to join the network as Observer Station INTERACT encourage you to apply to join. There are currently 39 observer stations and they are important parts of the network and new ones are welcome to apply to join INTERACT’s activities, meetings and workshops. You join by sending a request to the INTERACT coordinator.

October 11, 2024

Webinar number 4 in the series that our dear partner the European Polar Board is arranging together with APECS will be held 24th October 14.00 ...

October 8, 2024

Our dear partner the European Polar Board is arranging a webinar series on minimising the environmental impacts of polar research together with APECS. Join the ...

September 30, 2024

Work Package 2, the Station Managers’ Forum, has submitted a deliverable report entitled D2.9 Repository with selected climate data from INTERACT stations integrated in INTERACT ...

September 27, 2024

Work Package 2, the Station Managers’ Forum, has submitted a deliverable report entitled Updated INTERACT Minumum Monitoring Programme. It is available for download below. Decision-makers ...

INTERACT Reducing Plastic Consumption and Pollution at Arctic Research Stations
INTERACT Reducing Plastic Consumption and Pollution at Arctic Research Stations

The aim of the guidebook is to: Increase awareness of the impacts of plastic use on climate and the natural Provide guidelines for how to ...

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INTERACT Management Planning for arctic and northern alpine research stations
INTERACT Management Planning for arctic and northern alpine research stations

This is the INTERACT Management Planning for arctic and northern alpine research stations in e-book version (the pdf version can be found further down on ...

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